About Me
My name is Erin, though you may recognize me better as The Mindfully Scientific Mama.
I am the mother of one sweet, rambunctious toddler and wife to a talented chef. Professionally, I am a former special educator and preschool teacher, and am currently a cognitive neuroscience researcher and Ph.D candidate in Cognitive Science in Education with specializations in neuroscience, cognitive development, and neurodiversity/autism. If you are interested in learning more about my research, please contact me directly. I hold masters degrees in cognitive science, and neuroscience in education, from Teachers College, Columbia University, and undergraduate degrees in special education (with an additional concentration in elementary education and a minor in English) and early childhood education. As the wife of a chef, food is a huge part of my family culture, and I enjoy both cooking and baking. Being mindful of what we eat became an even more important part of my life when my child was diagnosed with food allergies. The need to do more cooking and baking from home (rather than buying ready made products or relying on restaurants and bakeries) has made me a more confident, creative and passionate cook and baker. Some of my other hobbies include hiking, traveling, jogging, meditation, animal rescue, playing piano and guitar, crafting, reading, and of course, writing.
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I started The Mindfully Scientific Mama out of a combined effort to reinvest in my personal interests (something we parents often struggle with) and a professional passion for integrating evidence based parenting practices and a mindful approach to both parenting and life as a whole. I am personally striving, one day at a time, to live a more mindful and grateful existence.
Aside from managing my own blog, I am a regular contributor for Westchester County Moms Blog, Mama Needs a Cocktail, and a featured blogger for The Inclusive Eating Project. You can read more of my work for these amazing organizations via my blog or their websites. I also provide freelance writing services for a number of outlets, and welcome requests for other content creation opportunities Please contact me directly if interested to discuss further, or view my basic rates and packages!.
Aside from managing my own blog, I am a regular contributor for Westchester County Moms Blog, Mama Needs a Cocktail, and a featured blogger for The Inclusive Eating Project. You can read more of my work for these amazing organizations via my blog or their websites. I also provide freelance writing services for a number of outlets, and welcome requests for other content creation opportunities Please contact me directly if interested to discuss further, or view my basic rates and packages!.